CAP Theorem Unraveled: A Fun Dive into Distributed Systems

Lights, Camera, CAP! Welcome to the wonderful world of distributed systems! In today's blog post, we're going to explore the exciting CAP Theorem through real-time examples and a fun approach. You'll see how the CAP Theorem is just like trying to balance three spinning plates at once. So, buckle up,…

A Guide to Safe Data Structure Use in Java Concurrency

Concurrency in Java allows multiple threads to execute at the same time, sharing the same resources. However, this sharing of resources can result in data inconsistencies and race conditions. Therefore, it is important to ensure that our Java code is thread-safe, meaning that it can handle multiple threads accessing it…

Understanding Executors in Java

In concurrent programming, managing threads and their life cycles can be complex and error-prone. The executor framework helps developers to execute concurrent tasks without the need for creating and managing threads themselves. Instead, they can create tasks and dispatch them to the executor, which handles the creation and management of…

Design Patterns Ultimate Guide

You might think, "Oh no, not another blog post on design patterns! There are already so many of them!" But don't worry, dear reader, this blog post is different. Our journey will be an exciting adventure filled with captivating before-and-after transformations, as we reveal the intriguing secrets of design patterns…

JVM: A Closer Look at Garbage Collection and Runtime Data Areas

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a crucial component of the Java ecosystem, responsible for converting Java bytecode into machine code that can be executed on the host system. In this blog post, we'll explore the various components of the JVM, their roles in the execution of Java applications, and…

Dependency Injection: The Fun-sized Version

Injecting humor into dependency injection, let's talk about DAOs (Data Access Objects) or Repositories. Imagine creating a UserDAO class for a Java program to access a users table in your database. To perform SQL queries, it needs a DataSource. The naive approach: Create a new DataSource every time you need…

The BOM Squad: Maven's Secret Weapon in Spring Boot Projects

Hey there, fellow Spring Boot enthusiasts! If you're here, chances are you're looking for a better way to manage your Maven dependencies like a superhero. Well, strap on your cape, and let's explore the magical world of Bill of Materials (BOM) in the Maven context. In this post, we'll dive…