Why you should choose composition over interface - the fun way!

Why you should choose composition over interface - the fun way!

If you're a Java developer, you're probably familiar with the concept of interfaces. They're great for defining contracts and ensuring that your code adheres to certain standards. But have you ever considered using composition instead? It might not be as well-known as interfaces, but it definitely has its advantages – and it can be a lot more fun too!

First of all, what is composition? In a nutshell, it's when one class is composed of one or more instances of another class. Think of it like building a LEGO set – you start with a few basic bricks, and then you build upon them to create something more complex. With composition, you can create complex classes without having to use inheritance.

Now, why should you choose composition over interfaces? For starters, composition is more flexible. When you use an interface, you're stuck with the methods that are defined in that interface. But with composition, you can pick and choose which methods you want to use from the composed class. This gives you more control over how your code behaves and makes it easier to modify and update in the future.

Another advantage of composition is that it can make your code more readable. When you use interfaces, you have to implement all the methods defined in that interface, even if you only need a few of them. This can lead to cluttered code that's hard to read and understand. With composition, you only use the methods you need, which can make your code more streamlined and easier to follow.

But perhaps the best reason to choose composition over interfaces is that it's just more fun! Building complex classes using composition is like building a LEGO masterpiece – it's creative, it's challenging, and it's satisfying when you finally get it right. Plus, you get to use your imagination and come up with new and exciting ways to combine different classes to create something truly unique.

Some of the design patterns that can be used to achieve composition over interface include:

  1. Strategy Pattern: In this pattern, different algorithms or strategies can be used interchangeably to accomplish a certain task. Instead of using an interface to enforce the use of these strategies, the Context class (which uses the strategies) contains a reference to the strategy object, which is set at runtime.
  2. Decorator Pattern: This pattern allows for the dynamic addition of behavior to an object at runtime. Instead of using an interface to define the behaviors, the decorators contain a reference to the object being decorated and can modify its behavior through composition.
  3. Observer Pattern: This pattern allows an object to notify a list of observers when its state changes. Instead of using an interface to define the observers, the Subject class (which notifies the observers) contains a list of Observer objects, which are notified when the state changes.
  4. Adapter Pattern: This pattern allows for the use of incompatible interfaces by wrapping them in a compatible interface. Instead of using inheritance to adapt the interface, the adapter contains a reference to the object being adapted and modifies its behavior through composition.
  5. Composite Pattern: This pattern allows for the creation of hierarchical structures of objects. Instead of using an interface to define the nodes in the structure, the composite contains a list of child components, which can be composed to form the structure.