OAuth2: An Informal Beginner's Guide

OAuth2: An Informal Beginner's Guide

I am sure that you have given a third-party application permission to access your data on another website or application. So, you have used OAuth2, a popular authorization framework that allows third-party applications to access protected resources without gaining access to the user's credentials.

But what exactly is OAuth2, and how does it work? Let's break it down.

What is OAuth2? OAuth2 is an authorization protocol that enables a client application to access a protected resource on behalf of a user. Instead of sharing the user's credentials, OAuth2 uses access tokens to authenticate and authorize the client application. In simpler terms, OAuth2 provides a secure way for third-party applications to access your data on another website or application.

What are the main components of OAuth2? OAuth2 involves four main components:

  • Resource Owner: the entity that can grant access to a protected resource
  • Resource Server: the server that hosts the protected resource
  • Client: the application that requests access to the protected resource on behalf of the resource owner
  • Authorization Server: the server that issues access tokens to the client after successfully authenticating and authorizing the resource owner.

What are the different grant types in OAuth2, and when should each be used? OAuth2 defines several grant types:

  1. Authorization Code Grant: This grant type is commonly used for web applications that need to access a user's data. An example is when a user logs into a social media platform through a third-party app. The user is redirected to the authorization server where they authenticate themselves and grant permission to the client application. The authorization server then returns an authorization code to the client, which is exchanged for an access token. This access token can be used to access protected resources on behalf of the user. The authorization code grant type requires a client secret and is recommended for most web applications.
  2. Implicit Grant: This grant type is commonly used for JavaScript and mobile applications that do not have a server-side component. An example is when a user logs into a mobile app using their social media credentials. The user is redirected to the authorization server where they authenticate themselves and grant permission to the client application. The authorization server then returns an access token directly to the client, which can be used to access protected resources. The implicit grant type does not require a client secret and is suitable for mobile apps, single-page apps, and other client-side applications that cannot keep a client secret.
  3. Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant: This grant type is commonly used for trusted first-party applications that have access to the user's password. An example is when a mobile app is developed by the same organization that owns the user's account. The client sends the user's username and password to the authorization server, which returns an access token that can be used to access protected resources.
  4. Client Credentials Grant: This grant type is commonly used for server-to-server authentication and API access. An example is when a microservice needs to access data from another microservice within the same organization. The client sends its own credentials to the authorization server, which returns an access token that can be used to access protected resources.
  5. Refresh Token Grant: This grant type is commonly used to obtain a new access token when the current one has expired. An example is when a user logs into an online banking platform and is given an access token that expires after a certain period. The client can use a refresh token to obtain a new access token without the user having to re-authenticate.

In summary, OAuth2 provides a secure way for third-party applications to access your data on another website or application without gaining access to your credentials. With different grant types, it can be used for various scenarios, such as web applications, mobile apps, server-to-server authentication, and refreshing access tokens.